Shearwater Service Center


Ask the Expert Equipment Repairs


If you have any questions regarding the repair or periodical service of your equipment, be sure to get in touch! We are most easily reached at for general questions, and for questions specifically related to Shearwater products.

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Contact Us!

We’re delighted to assist you with any questions about your equipment’s functionality, addressing malfunctions, and managing repairs. Our goal is to ensure you have the best experience with your diving gear.

For questions specifically about operating your equipment, we kindly ask that you contact your retailer or the manufacturer directly. Our complimentary support service is exclusively for our retail clients.

Are you looking to buy from an enthousiastic Shearwater dealer with top notch service? Browse our products online!

Email Us


AskTheExpert p/a DC de Aalscholvers
Houtstraat 118
5046 DM Tilburg
The Netherlands

Call Us

+31-13-542 73 08

We are open

13:00 - 18:00 Tuesday - Friday